Sunday, October 31, 2010

Ch-Ching....or NOT

I want to work in a place where I wake up smiling because it is FINALLY Monday! I've been thinking about this a lot because for the first time I've actually gotten a job. I wasn't the typical teenager who started working in grade 9 at some local retail place, no I was that teenager who eagerly applied every summer only to face rejection from potential employers one after another. Until Now. You'd think I'd be over the moon, finally after 7 years of constantly applying I'd finally gotten a job! I was finally good enough and not just for any job but for an 'office' job at some 'big' corporation for Co-Op! Well let me tell you, I was over the moon, from all the places that I had applied this was the only one I'd actually wanted, but now after being there for just over 6 months...the honeymoon was over. It's been long over. I hate having to get up EVERY day, never being able to skip just cuz. I hate sitting in a cubicle staring at a screen for so long my eyes hurt. I hate seeing my social life diminishing. But mostly I just plain hate work.

It's not so much WHAT I do but more WHY I do it. I don't believe in the purpose of my company, which is like most corporations to make a profit.

Because of my education choices, It won't be easy to find a job where I feel as if I'm making a difference. I'm not a nurse or a social worker so I feel as though I have to work harder to find a company that I believe in. I want to share their values and see their vision become a reality. I want to help them change the world for the better.

So really, even if I'm doing mundane tasks that I hate, if I'm doing it for the right reasons I think I'll wake up every day with a smile on. I like seeing the big picture, I just hate it when I don't believe in it.

** I was going to post the my cubicle parody, but found this and though it was soo much cooler!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

You know when time goes by really really slow and it feels like its never going to end??? Thats what it feels like right now. I had a busy week this week with midterms and papers and ever since last week I was looking forward to the end of this week when I could FINALLY relax and eat some Kernals popcorn.
And here I am SO SO close to the end of this week.
Yet still so far
My paper is due tonight 1 minute before midnight. ooooo so dramatic these people are.
Anyways I'm done I just have to do the conclusion but I feel like I did a bad job on it and the thing is I don't know how to make it better. And really I don't care I just want to hand it in now. But I can't because the little voice in my head likes "you better make it prefect before you submit it" and im like "uuggghh whatever little voice in my head. i hate you"

So heres something totally bizzare. like getting hit by lighting. Its a true story. It happened to a friend of a friend of mine. haha no not really. it happened to one of my instructor's family members.
So heres the story:
This lady is sitting on a hammock and then one of the trees thats holding the hammock up FALLS DOWN!! And because she was sitting not lying down in it, the tree cut off the side of one of her legs! like CHOPPED IT RIGHT OFF!! it was really gruesome, we got to see lots of pictures. I'm sure nobody wants to see any of those gruesome pictures so instead ill put this one. Im sure im not the only feeling it.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

oh Saudi...

(Makkah 2011 - after completion of construction)

Where to begin when speaking of Saudi?

I recently had the good fortune to have gone to umrah and for those of you who have not been, I can tell you, alot of what the Saudis do just dosen't make any sense. First off, there is the issue of the current reconstruction of Makkah, which I really really really dislike (except for the extension of the masjid itself, this is definitly needed). I understand the need to "modernize", as many of the buildings were worn down and in dire conditions, however, there is a way to modernize without making the place a generic steel city. When the construction is complete, half of Makkah will be populated with the same generic 50 story hotels, there will be no greenery, no seating areas, no palm trees! All the little nooks and cranny's have already disappeared, there are no more intricate alleyways, hidden shops, or obscure shawarmas. It was precisely these little things which gave culture and life to the streets; shopping was not just an activity it was an experience, and that experience unfortunately is hardly existent now. All the shops -and alot of the street life-have gone hibernating in concrete malls, and the new construction only has plans for more.

I realize that shopping and cultural experience is not the point of going to Makkah, nevertheless, that does not mean I submissively approve of Makkah being turned into a mall populated steel city.

Well that's the end of my little rant...for now...

Sunday, October 17, 2010

The Joys of Public Transportation

When you're taking public transportation almost daily, you start noticing things.  Enough to perhaps write a book some day.  But, for now, here's just a snapshot of the many amusing things you might notice. [Note that the following are all real situations, as much as I'd like to believe otherwise.]
  1. Lady is holding a newspaper with one hand, and the other hand has a tiny container of trail mix or something of the like.  Every so often, she hold the container up to her mouth, sticks out her tongue and scoops up some of the mix with her very long tongue.  Can you picture this?  I've seen infants eat better!
  2. First you hear a cough.  Then a hacking cough.  And then the really deep, mucous-y hacking cough. Coughing doesn't stop.  And the cringing doesn't stop, because guess what?  The cougher's letting it all spray out.  
  3. Morning rush hour always means one thing: smelly armpits and body odour.  And when everyone's packed in like sardines and you're already late, you get real good at holding your breath. 
  4. A middle-aged man gets on with a tiny dog.  He takes a long sweeping glance, and rather than sitting on one of the many empty seats, he plops himself onto the dirty floor.  Three stops later, he sees a used transfer lying a couple of feet away, and he scurries quickly to grab it.  He examines it, turns it over and then places it in his pocket.  Maybe he collects transfers?
  5. An elderly man has obviously got a really bad flu/cold.  He's sneezing and wheezing, and wiping his nose.  With a Kleenex or handkerchief, you're presuming.  Sorry for the disappointment, ladies and gents.  No Kleenex, no hanky, not even his sleeve.  He gets up to walk towards the doors, grabbing on to the metal poles as he passes by, leaving nothing but the sheen of fresh snot glittering on the metal.  Fun.    
  6. You'll like this one:  Toronto has a huge bed bug problem.  HUGE.  And get this, the reason the problem has spread so quickly is the big ol' TTC.  Yep.  I bet you'll think twice before hopping on a train during rush hour now, won't you?  :P

Moral of the story, boys and girls, is this:  After riding the Red Rocket (ha!), you really have no clue what you've touched, or who's touched it before you.  Happy scrubbing!

P.S.  The authour takes no responsibility for any possible ramifications of reading this post; this includes events such as becoming a germophobe, or obsessively refusing to ever ride the TTC again.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

The Start

Everytime I start reading a new blog the first thing I do is go back to the first post to see an intro about the blogger . most of the time I don’t find anything. And I hate that. I want to know at least a little bit about the person. And the “About me” section doesn’t do any justice.

So instead of complaining about other people I will write my own intro post. Because remember what Ghandi said? Be the change you want to see. Haha ok here goes:

Who am i? Im just one girl in this big bad world

(thats lame yes I know)

So really who am i? I ‘m a city girl living in the big T dot O. I’m a nursing student and someone who loves to read fictional books, spend lots of time on youtube, really knows how to waste her time (although thats nothing unique I know), loves chocolate, can make a real good lemon meringue pie (I only made it once but it was really good!! ), loves to watch scary movies (especially around autumn), loves to travel (although I haven’t been in a long time), and hates studying.

I love the summer time, I hate using public transportation to get to school, I love watching the stars, my favourite colour is candy apple red (I recently discovered this colour) and I am really craving a hamburger right now.

I’m just trying to get it right. I know the person I want to be and I’m trying everyday to become that person.

I want to write about the things that inspire me, make me queasy, make me laugh, make me cry and just about this journey that we are all on.

It’s the start of something great. I can feel it.

New single by Native Deen really uplifting and awesome check it out:

Monday, October 4, 2010

Things that don't make sense

List of things that Don't make sense to me:

1. Girls who wear short shorts/mini skirts in winter. Really? must you?...

2. Uggs. As their name implies, they are ugly. (no offense to anyone who wears uggs)

3. Genetically modified fruit. If I really want to eat a fruit that taste like apples and peaches, then I'll just eat an apple and a peach together.

4. Volkswagon beetle. They should have never brought it out from retirement

5. Excessive tanning. Cause cancer sure does look good!

6. Riding a bike in winter. I'll give you credit for this, but still, you're crazy.

7. Computers. I understand how computers work, but please explain to me how you can get a piece of metal and electricity to produce pictures/sounds/ etc?

8. Actually, technology in general, just doesn't make sense to me.

9. Ingrown hairs. Why would you grow out, then decide to turn back in?

10. Wanted to make it an even ten, but couldnt think of another one. I'm open to suggestions