Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Love HFW

So...who hasn't heard of Love HFW yet?  Where have you been...hiding under a rock or something? C'mon now!

It's only one of the most awesomest things to happen in Blogistan since ever.  Seriously.

Go, check it out here:

If you're still reading this, that means I haven't managed to convince you yet. And maybe you think I'm being too demanding.  But you should overlook that and do it anyways.

Love HFW was started by Sister Em as an one-week long online event for Muslimahs. Hijabi Fashion Week (HFW) involves  seven different themes - one for each day of the week, and participants are asked to put together outfits based on the themes.

I love it because I'm able to pick up inspiration from sisters all over the world - whether it's tying two thin hijabs together or figuring out how to 'hijabify' some of my odd items of clothing.

Have I convinced you yet?

Because if I haven't, I offish give're hopeless, you is. :P

Thursday, November 24, 2011

"sometimes the brightest lights can only be seen from the darkest of depths"

I've been reading Brother Nomad's blog, "Holding on to Allah's Rope" for a good part of the past year or so.  His stuff really is pretty profound and deep to say the least, and he's able to articulate so well what I believe are the very personal struggles that everyone goes through at some point or another in their lives.

Allhumdulilah, he's granted me permission to share his work, and specifically, there's one piece of his that really speaks to me. Some of these gem-worthy ideas:

"Firstly: sometimes the brightest lights can only be seen from the darkest of depths. We cannot appreciate what tawakkul means until we are (or see a point) far removed from it."

"Once we internalize the whole of our weakness, is when we can begin to find strength in reliance."

"Secondly: There is the rope of Allah, and then there is the chain of the shayateen (devils). A rope is generally made as a means of assistance, carrying things, and pulling them up. A chain is generally made as a means of restriction, punishment in limiting one's freedom and mobility. Interestingly, a rope can also choke whereas a chain can also give lift in times of need."

"Sometimes a chain is not evident until it is too late, and it has wrapped itself around its wielder tightly at the time of death. Thought to be a source of pride and dignity in the face of men, it would be just a cement block dragging one down to the deepest depths. Conversely, a rope can easily cause burns if it moves too fast, or become a noose should extremes be approached."

See what I mean?  He's a genius, mashAllah.

I'd encourage you to read the full post here.  Happy reading!

Saturday, November 19, 2011

30 libraries in 22 weeks

It's November. The leaves are starting to fall and the winter jackets are coming out. It's the holidays...well almost! I love this time of year, it seems like everyone is happy and cheery and Starbucks has their 2 for 1 holiday drinks on during happy hour! (one more day left!)

But it's also time for that last final push before finals. You know all the big papers are due, the final projects and those lonely last midterms. It also means more library time! :) (I'm in one right now lol)

The other day Alma and I were walking down UofT, after one of our library trips and I was bragging that we had 30 or so libraries. She asked me how many I had been too. And I realized that not many. I usually go the same one, my favourite. Or one that is close.

So we made a halal one way bet. Before I graduated I would visit ALL the libraries at UofT. Alma reckoned it was only 8ish every year...the only problem? I'm already in 4th( and final inshAllah) year at the big old UofT!

So it's 30 libraries in 22 weeks. Think I can do it? I hope so!

I'll record my library adventures on the blog, so that way it'll feel like you've all been to EVERY UofT library too :)

Libraries I've visited
-E.J Pratt (my favourite!)
-Gerstein (I'm there right now!)
-UTM library
-UTSC library
-Earth Sciences Library
-Engineering & Comp sci Library
-Mathematical Sciences Library (aka Bahen Library...also one of my favs)
-OISE Library
-John M Kelly Library
-Laidlaw Library

Full list of UofT libraries: CLICK HERE!

Wow so that already 11. YAY only 19 more to go! :)

Just so you know...I absolutely LOVE libraries! Alma...I wanttagolibrary!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Blame Game

I think there's some habits that are never lost, old adults playing the blame game is just, well, wrong.

Blaming the little people, of the big institutions for their own mistake, is worse. The higher up you go, I feel you lose sight of right/wrong and being truthful.

Everyone should own up to their mistakes. Period.

That's my venting of the day.