Sunday, October 10, 2010

The Start

Everytime I start reading a new blog the first thing I do is go back to the first post to see an intro about the blogger . most of the time I don’t find anything. And I hate that. I want to know at least a little bit about the person. And the “About me” section doesn’t do any justice.

So instead of complaining about other people I will write my own intro post. Because remember what Ghandi said? Be the change you want to see. Haha ok here goes:

Who am i? Im just one girl in this big bad world

(thats lame yes I know)

So really who am i? I ‘m a city girl living in the big T dot O. I’m a nursing student and someone who loves to read fictional books, spend lots of time on youtube, really knows how to waste her time (although thats nothing unique I know), loves chocolate, can make a real good lemon meringue pie (I only made it once but it was really good!! ), loves to watch scary movies (especially around autumn), loves to travel (although I haven’t been in a long time), and hates studying.

I love the summer time, I hate using public transportation to get to school, I love watching the stars, my favourite colour is candy apple red (I recently discovered this colour) and I am really craving a hamburger right now.

I’m just trying to get it right. I know the person I want to be and I’m trying everyday to become that person.

I want to write about the things that inspire me, make me queasy, make me laugh, make me cry and just about this journey that we are all on.

It’s the start of something great. I can feel it.

New single by Native Deen really uplifting and awesome check it out:


  1. salamunalaikkum...
    Thats too cool enough.

  2. So the real question is, who is it that you want to be? :P
