Friday, March 4, 2011

A trust

Today, the lab I had to do for one of my courses was probably one of the most dangerous ones I (insha'Allah!) will have to encounter... It used pretty dangerous, toxic and corrosive reactants and the reactions themselves were pretty intense. Not to mention, 2 explosions already occured with other people doing this...

That being said, I was beyond terrfied... Alhamdulillah it all went well, no major incidents to report!, but thinking about it, it really made me question how well we take care of our bodies...

The idea that we are given this body as a trust by Allah swt, and yet we sometimes don't consider the effects of our choices...

I remember going into the lab wondering if I would come out in the same way (I know it sounds ilke an exaggeration, but it's really true!) and yet I still intentionally went through 4 hours of a potentially dangerous setting... Of course everyone took the necessary precautions, but there's always the risk.

Maybe, that's justifiable because it's for school purposes and everyone was taking the right precautions anyway? Maybe. But what about other parts of our lives, such as our diet?

Does being a Muslim also mean that we should eat healthier and live a healthier lifestyle?


Prophet Muhammad SAW has said "Ask Allah SWT for forgiveness and health, for after being granted certainty, one is given nothing better than health" Related in Tirmidhi.

In the Qur'an, we are also told to "Eat and drink, but avoid excess" (20:81)


A lot of people will want to lose weight to feel better about themselves based on what the norms of the society are. But what if losing weight could be the result of adapting to a healthier lifestyle where you are pleasing Allah SWT and helping to return this wonderful trust given to you, your body? Seems better than a win-win situation!

As the countdown to the end of university starts soon, and there's loads of 'stress-relieving' foods or maybe better known as 'comfort foods' out there, it might just be wise to re-check some habits!

May Allah SWT help us to refine our habits where necessary so that we can become better Muslims and a better representation of our deen.

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