It's November. The leaves are starting to fall and the winter jackets are coming out. It's the holidays...well almost! I love this time of year, it seems like everyone is happy and cheery and Starbucks has their 2 for 1 holiday drinks on during happy hour! (one more day left!)
But it's also time for that last final push before finals. You know all the big papers are due, the final projects and those lonely last midterms. It also means more library time! :) (I'm in one right now lol)
The other day Alma and I were walking down UofT, after one of our library trips and I was bragging that we had 30 or so libraries. She asked me how many I had been too. And I realized that not many. I usually go the same one, my favourite. Or one that is close.
So we made a halal one way bet. Before I graduated I would visit ALL the libraries at UofT. Alma reckoned it was only 8ish every year...the only problem? I'm already in 4th( and final inshAllah) year at the big old UofT!
So it's 30 libraries in 22 weeks. Think I can do it? I hope so!
I'll record my library adventures on the blog, so that way it'll feel like you've all been to EVERY UofT library too :)
Libraries I've visited
-E.J Pratt (my favourite!)
-Gerstein (I'm there right now!)
-UTM library
-UTSC library
-Earth Sciences Library
-Engineering & Comp sci Library
-Mathematical Sciences Library (aka Bahen Library...also one of my favs)
-OISE Library
-John M Kelly Library
-Laidlaw Library
Full list of UofT libraries: CLICK HERE!
Wow so that already 11. YAY only 19 more to go! :)
Just so you know...I absolutely LOVE libraries! Alma...I wanttagolibrary!
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