Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Love HFW

So...who hasn't heard of Love HFW yet?  Where have you been...hiding under a rock or something? C'mon now!

It's only one of the most awesomest things to happen in Blogistan since ever.  Seriously.

Go, check it out here:

If you're still reading this, that means I haven't managed to convince you yet. And maybe you think I'm being too demanding.  But you should overlook that and do it anyways.

Love HFW was started by Sister Em as an one-week long online event for Muslimahs. Hijabi Fashion Week (HFW) involves  seven different themes - one for each day of the week, and participants are asked to put together outfits based on the themes.

I love it because I'm able to pick up inspiration from sisters all over the world - whether it's tying two thin hijabs together or figuring out how to 'hijabify' some of my odd items of clothing.

Have I convinced you yet?

Because if I haven't, I offish give're hopeless, you is. :P

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