Saturday, February 5, 2011

I'm number 4

All through the last years of high school one phrase that we heard over and over and over again was "once you get to university you're just a number".

In my short two years at university I have yet to witness such a thing. I've had a total of 2 classes where the class size is larger than 60. I was lucky to have a class last year with around I dunno 100? people? It was a lot thats all I know. Anyway, I LOVED that class. It was so much fun! The prof was at the front talking about..bone density or something and I was sitting somewhere off to the side, I could leave whenever I wanted without the prof. even noticing, I could sit with my legs up, all comfy with my stash of yummy food on the seat beside me, with my laptop ready in case I needed a Youtube fix...sigh that was the good life

I long for those huge lecture classes where the prof goes on and your only job is to show up (if you want) and listen (if you want) and take notes (if you want).

I have not had that luxury this year. Instead I got stuck in small classes where attendance and participation are part of your mark. Well ok theres just this one class in particular that I dread EVERY week.. (and it might have something to do with that class NOT being one of my core nursing classes meaning that yikes theres GUYS in that class..but that requires another post on its own).
Anyways back to my point: I WANT TO BE A NUMBER!
I don't want to participate and I don't want you to ask questions and I don't want you to walk around picking on people...I just want of those very typical university classes..but alas we don't always get what we want do we??

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